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Limited Time Offerings

What's coming up...

I love offering new and exciting things as supported by the changing energy.  Here's the 4-1-1 on my next scheduled workshop and some limited time offerings I've got going on.  Check back often as these offerings, just like the energy, is always changing.


Past life Readings

The Golden Thread

If you have been releasing ALL the things and still feel's possible that cycle you’re feeling stuck in didn’t even start in this life! What if I told you that these threads from past lives—the choices, lessons, and stories—might be connected to the challenges you face now? By identifying these threads, we can illuminate patterns that affect us today, transforming them from weights into a Golden Thread that unites your past, present, and future.

Ready to explore? There are two ways you can join me, click both options below for all the details and see what feels right for you.


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Total Alignment

  • What is numerology?
    Numerology is the study of energy and patterns in numbers and the numerical value of letters in words, names, and ideas. Each number has a unique energy, frequency, and vibration to it.
  • What type of numerology do you practice?
    I am certified in Practical and Advanced Numerology theory, based on the work of Pythagoras, the Greek mathematician and philosopher who lived from 569 to 470 BC. Pythagoras began his theory of numbers by discovering the numerical relationship between numbers and musical notes - finding that the vibrations in stringed instruments could be mathematically explained. The Pythagorean method uses an individual's name and date of birth and as well as theories of universal energy and vibration.
  • Can’t I just run my own numbers on the internet?
    Sure, you can run your numbers - but a certified numerologist can help you turn that knowledge into wisdom. In my readings, I provide you with an in-depth understanding of what they mean and how they intersect with the world around you. I hold a non-judgmental mirror up, so you can take a pure honest look at yourself and give you journal prompt activations and suggestions to feel more aligned.
  • What else can I use numerology for?
    In addition to Personal Energy/Birthchart Interpretations, there is also Universal Energy. Energy that is available to all of us, on any given day. By knowing this forecast, we can learn to harness the energy and schedule accordingly - giving us more efficiency, freedom, and joy.
  • How does the Couple Reading Work?  What is composite energy?
    Composite energy is the combination of two people to form a unique relationship. It’s not about opposite energy, it’s about complementary energy. This can give you a unique perspective into your relationship and help start a non-judgemental conversation about what’s going on for both of you.
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